Educate & Empower Street Safety
School Assemblies
We deliver and provide age appropriate, live or digital assemblies, that educate and empower our young people on how to stay safe on the streets.
Our programme provides young people with helpful hints and tips on how to stay safe (when they are alone or with friends) and what to do / who to call if something happens.
Please contact us if you are interested in running our StreetW!se assembly programme in your school/youth setting.
STREETW!SE Travel Card Holder
We have designed a StreetW!se travel card holder for our assembly attendees. Our travel card holder includes our key personal safety messages and emergency contact numbers.
We encourage students to store their travel cards in our holder (instead of it being kept in their wallet or phones), so in the event that their wallet or phone is stolen, they are able to get home safely.
It is a handy, helpful reminder of our key personal safety tips and reminds them who to call in the event of an emergency.
Please contact us if you are interested in running our StreetW!se assembly programme in your school / youth setting and would love some travel card holders.
STREETW!SE Poster Campaign
Additionally, we have recently launched our StreetW!se Poster Campaign across the school network, that includes our key personal safety messages and emergency contact numbers.
The bright, eye-catching posters can be displayed in main school reception areas, corridors, sports and dining halls as well as in restrooms and individual classrooms fostering vigilance among students, teachers, and visitors.
Please contact us if you are interested in running our StreetW!se assembly programme in your school / youth setting and would love some travel card holders and/or posters.
Parents & Carers
As part of our SteetW!se assembly programme, we also provide parents and carers with a brief safety guide containing our key safety messages to ensure that the conversations continue at home and are appropriately being reinforced.
Please do get in touch if you are a parent/guardian and would like to know more.
Our community has been rocked by the mugging situation and we are really grateful for the work that Mothers Against Muggings has done in our schools. Their work is amazing and helped reduce local muggings by 50%. My daughter said the assembly was excellent and she is now using the StreetW!se Travel Card holder.
Parent, Grey Court School
The timely and professional personal safety advice that Mothers Against Muggings has delivered is contributing to reducing muggings in the area. Children who have participated are typically more aware of their safety and surroundings and more likely to report issues if they have any.
Elisabeth Chapple - Chief Superintendent Metropolitan Police - BCU Commander South West
Some of the schools we work with...